Aeries Installation Information
Security Area:
- None required
- /api/v5/systeminfo
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AeriesVersion | Current Aeries Version Number | |
DatabaseYear | The 9-character year based on the current database connection for the API. By default, this is the default year of the default database group. If a valid DatabaseYear was passed in the query string of the API request, then that will be reflected in this property | |
AvailableDatabaseYears | A list of available years. This comes from the Year elements under the default database group in the AeriesNetConnections config. | |
LocalTimeZoneName | From the hosting server | |
CurrentDateTime | From the hosting server |
Example System Information Results:
"AeriesVersion": "",
"DatabaseYear": "2020-2021",
"AvailableDatabaseYears": [
"LocalTimeZoneName": "(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"CurrentDateTime": "2021-03-03T11:13:38.9539491-08:00"
School Information
Security Area:
- None Required (certificate in request is still required though)
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}
- SchoolCode (optional) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- If School Code is not passed, all schools for the current district will be returned.
Example School Information Results:
{"RegionCode": "",
"StateCharterNumber": "",
"CharterStatusCode": "",
"FederalTaxID": "",
"FederalInformationProcessingStandardsCode": "",
"QualityRatingAndImprovementSystemParticipationCode": "",
"AccreditationStatusCode": "",
"SchoolWebsite": "",
"OrganizationCategoryCode": "",
"SchoolCategoryCode": "",
"LocalEducationAgencyTypeCode": "",
"TitleIPartACode": "",
"NSLPStatusCode": "",
"NCESSchoolID": "",
"CollegeBoardSchoolCode": "123994",
"CampusEnrollmentTypeCode": "",
"PreKSchoolTypeCode": "",
"EarlyCollegeHighSchoolIndicator": false,
"ScienceTechnologyEngineeringAndMathematicsIndicator": false,
"PathwaysInTechnologyIndicator": false,
"ShortName": "",
"Terms": [
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "F",
"TermDescription": "Fall",
"StartDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2020-12-23T00:00:00"
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "S",
"TermDescription": "Spring",
"StartDate": "2021-01-04T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "Y",
"TermDescription": "Year",
"StartDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
"SchoolCode": 994,
"Name": "Screaming Eagle High School",
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"Address": "6336 Eagle Crag Lane",
"AddressCity": "Eagle Rock",
"AddressState": "CA",
"AddressZipCode": "95994",
"AddressZipExt": "",
"DoNotReport": false,
"StateCountyID": "65",
"StateDistrictID": "99999",
"StateSchoolID": "0000001",
"LowGradeLevel": 9,
"HighGradeLevel": 12,
"PrincipalName": "Mr. John Smith",
"PrincipalEmailAddress": "",
"AttendancePeriod": 0,
"Tracks": 0,
"ScheduleType": "Flexible",
"SessionType": "Regular",
"AttendanceType": "Period",
"AttendanceReporting": "Negative",
"ScheduleBasis": "Semester",
"PhoneNumber": "9995559994"
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Address | LOC.AD | Street address |
AddressCity | LOC.CY | City |
AddressState | LOC.ST | State |
AddressZipCode | LOC.ZC | Zip code |
AddressZipExt | LOC.ZX | Zip code extension |
AttendancePeriod | LOC.J | The homeroom period for the school. This is used to determine the student’s homeroom teacher where applicable. |
AttendanceReporting | LOC.B | Indicates whether the school uses Negative or Positive attendance reporting |
AttendanceType | LOC.A | Indicates whether the school takes Daily or Period attendance |
DoNotReport | LOC.DNR | Flag indicating that information from this school code is not to be included in federal/state reporting (e.g., CALPADS) |
HighGradeLevel | LOC.HI | The highest academic grade level offered at this school |
InactiveStatusCode | LOC.TG | If anything other than a blank value, this school code is inactive in Aeries |
LowGradeLevel | LOC.LO | The lowest academic grade level offered at this school |
Name | LOC.NM | The name of the school |
PhoneNumber | LOC.AC + LOC.TL | The phone number for the school, including area code (digits only) |
PrincipalEmailAddress | LOC.PEM | The email address of the school principal |
PrincipalName | LOC.PR | The name of the school principal |
ScheduleBasis | LOC.Q | Indicates whether the school schedule is based on Semester or Trimester |
ScheduleType | LOC.E | Indicates the schedule type of the school. Return value will be Elementary, ElementaryAndMasterSchedule, MasterSchedule or Flex |
SchoolCode | LOC.CD | The numeric Aeries school code |
SessionType | LOC.U | Indicates whether the school code represents a Regular, Summer, or Intersession school |
StateCountyID | LOC.CC | The 2-digit county part of the school’s county-district-school (CDS) code |
StateDistrictID | LOC.DC | The 5-digit district part of the school’s CDS code |
StateSchoolID | LOC.SC | The 7-digit school part of the CDS code |
Tracks | LOC.K | The number of different attendance tracks used by the school |
RegionCode | LOC.RC | Region Code |
StateCharterNumber | LOC.CH | State Charter Number |
CharterStatusCode | LOC.CHS | Charter Status |
FederalTaxID | LOC.FID | Federal Tax ID |
FederalInformationProcessingStandardsCode | LOC.FC | Federal Information Processing Standards |
QualityRatingAndImprovementSystemParticipationCode | LOC.QRS | Quality Rating And Improvement System Participation Code |
AccreditationStatusCode | LOC.ACC | Accreditation Status |
School Website | LOC.WS | School Website |
OrganizationCategoryCode | LOC.CSA | Organization Category |
SchoolCategoryCode | LOC.CT | School Category |
LocalEducationAgencyTypeCode | LOC.DTY | Local Education Agency Type |
TitleIPartACode | LOC.T1 | Title I Part A |
NSLPStatusCode | LOC.NLP | NSLP Status |
School Terms
Security Area:
- None Required (certificate in request is still required though)
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/terms
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- This information is already available on each school returned from the "School Information" end point.
Example School Term Results:
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "1",
"TermDescription": "1st Quarter",
"StartDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2020-10-16T00:00:00"
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "2",
"TermDescription": "2nd Quarter",
"StartDate": "2020-10-19T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2020-12-23T00:00:00"
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "3",
"TermDescription": "3rd Quarter",
"StartDate": "2021-01-04T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2021-03-26T00:00:00"
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "F",
"TermDescription": "Fall",
"StartDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2020-12-23T00:00:00"
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "S",
"TermDescription": "Spring",
"StartDate": "2021-01-04T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
"FirstHalfEndDate": null,
"SecondHalfStartDate": null,
"TrackTerms": [],
"TermCode": "Y",
"TermDescription": "Year",
"StartDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
EndDate | TRM.D2 | End date of the term |
StartDate | TRM.D1 | Start date of the term |
TermCode | TRM.TM | Code value of the term |
TermDescription | Description of the term | |
FirstHalfEndDate | TRM.H1 | First Half End Date for Hexamesters |
SecondHalfStartDate | TRM.H2 | Second Half Start Date for Hexamesters |
TrackTerms | TRMD1A-TRM.D2Z | The Term which applies to the Track Calendar |
School Calendar
Security Area:
- "Calendar"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/calendar
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- Pass a School Code of 0 (zero) for the district-level calendar. Not all districts configure a district-level calendar though.
- Track Holidays might be a blank data element if the School.Tracks field is 0.
Example School Calendar Results:
"TrackHolidays": [],
"SchoolCode": 994,
"CalendarDayNumber": 130,
"CalendarDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00",
"HolidayCode": "#",
"AttendanceMonth": 7,
"TotalApportionment": 0,
"TotalEnrollment": 0,
"PeriodBlockPattern": "",
"ABDay": "",
"AttendanceMonthLocked": false
"TrackHolidays": [],
"SchoolCode": 994,
"CalendarDayNumber": 131,
"CalendarDate": "2021-01-04T00:00:00",
"HolidayCode": "",
"AttendanceMonth": 7,
"TotalApportionment": 0,
"TotalEnrollment": 0,
"PeriodBlockPattern": "",
"ABDay": "",
"AttendanceMonthLocked": false
"TrackHolidays": [],
"SchoolCode": 994,
"CalendarDayNumber": 132,
"CalendarDate": "2021-01-05T00:00:00",
"HolidayCode": "",
"AttendanceMonth": 7,
"TotalApportionment": 0,
"TotalEnrollment": 0,
"PeriodBlockPattern": "",
"ABDay": "",
"AttendanceMonthLocked": false
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
ABDay | DAY.AB | Whether this school day is an “A” day or “B” day if applicable |
AttendanceMonth | DAY.MO | The attendance month number for this calendar day. In Aeries, an attendance month represents 4 weeks of Mondays-Fridays, for 20 total days |
AttendanceMonthLocked | DAY.ML | Flag indicating whether this attendance month is locked for editing. Districts typically lock an attendance month after reconciling the apportionment data for that month for fiscal accountability purposes. |
CalendarDate | DAY.DT | The date for this calendar day number |
CalendarDayNumber | DAY.DY | The calendar day number. This is normally a value between 1 and 200 |
HolidayCode | DAY.HO | A code representing a special status for this day such as minimum day, school holiday, staff development day, etc. These values are hard-coded. @ = School not in session % = Minimum Day # = School Holiday + = Parent Conference $ = Staff Development |
PeriodBlockPattern | DAY.BL | A string indicating which class periods meet on this day. For each digit 0-9 that is present in this string, that class period meets on this day. |
SchoolCode | DAY.SC | The Aeries school code |
TotalApportionment | DAY.AP | The total apportioned attendance for this day |
TotalEnrollment | DAY.EN | The total student enrollment for this day |
TrackHoliday.HolidayCode | DAY.T1 – T26 | Similar to HolidayCode, but for a specific track |
TrackHoliday.TrackCode | The track code, a letter from A-Z | |
TrackHoliday.TrackNumber | The track number, a number from 1-26 |
Bell Schedule
Security Area:
- "Bell Schedule"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/BellSchedule
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- For non-Flex schools this will return the default schedule and any specific days that have custom schedules
- For Flex schools this returns all dates along with what the effective bell schedule is for that date
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/BellSchedule/date/{Date}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- Date (required) – Get records for a specific date
- For Flex, the Short Title will be output
- For Flex, StartTime and EndTime will come from the FTF and/or FTT tables (depending on whether the date uses a custom bell schedule per DAY.BS)
Example Bell Schedule Results:
"SchoolCode": 994,
"Period": "0",
"StartTime": "1905-12-30T07:05:00",
"EndTime": "1905-12-30T07:55:00",
"CalendarDate": null
"SchoolCode": 994,
"Period": "1",
"StartTime": "1905-12-30T08:00:00",
"EndTime": "1905-12-30T08:50:00",
"CalendarDate": null
"SchoolCode": 994,
"Period": "2",
"StartTime": "1905-12-30T08:55:00",
"EndTime": "1905-12-30T09:45:00",
"CalendarDate": null
"SchoolCode": 994,
"Period": "3",
"StartTime": "1905-12-30T10:05:00",
"EndTime": "1905-12-30T10:55:00",
"CalendarDate": null
"SchoolCode": 994,
"Period": "4",
"StartTime": "1905-12-30T11:00:00",
"EndTime": "1905-12-30T11:50:00",
"CalendarDate": null
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
CalendarDayNumber | BEL.DY | The day number from the school’s calendar |
EndTime | BEL.T2 | The time this class period ends according to the bell schedule. Value is a datetime format, but only the time part is relevant. |
Period | BEL.PD | The class period (0-9) |
SchoolCode | BEL.SC | The Aeries school code |
StartTime | BEL.T1 | The time this class period starts according to the bell schedule. Value is a datetime format, but only the time part is relevant. |
Absence Codes
Security Area:
- "Absence Code Table"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AbsenceCodes/{AbsenceCode}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- AbsenceCode (optional) – The Attendance Code.
- If Absence Code is not passed, all absence codes for the chosen school will be returned.
Example Absence Code Results:
"IsTemporarilyNotEnrolled": false,
"IndependentStudyCode": "",
"ColorCode": "",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"AbsenceCode": "A",
"Title": "UNVERIFIED",
"Abbreviation": "UNV",
"TypeCode": 1,
"TypeDescription": "Unverified Absence",
"CountsForADA": false,
"IncludeOnLetters": true,
"IncludeInParentNotifications": true,
"IncludeOnReports": true,
"CountOnReportCard": true,
"IsSuspension": false,
"IsPartialDayTruant": false
"IsTemporarilyNotEnrolled": false,
"IndependentStudyCode": "",
"ColorCode": "",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"AbsenceCode": "D",
"Title": "Dr Note",
"Abbreviation": "DR",
"TypeCode": 2,
"TypeDescription": "Excused Absence",
"CountsForADA": false,
"IncludeOnLetters": true,
"IncludeInParentNotifications": false,
"IncludeOnReports": true,
"CountOnReportCard": false,
"IsSuspension": false,
"IsPartialDayTruant": false
"IsTemporarilyNotEnrolled": true,
"IndependentStudyCode": "",
"ColorCode": "",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"AbsenceCode": "G",
"Title": "TmpNotEnr",
"Abbreviation": "TNE",
"TypeCode": 2,
"TypeDescription": "Excused Absence",
"CountsForADA": false,
"IncludeOnLetters": false,
"IncludeInParentNotifications": false,
"IncludeOnReports": false,
"CountOnReportCard": false,
"IsSuspension": false,
"IsPartialDayTruant": false
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Abbreviation | ABS.AB | The abbreviated name (max 3 characters) for this absence code |
AbsenceCode | ABS.CD | The absence code (1 character). This will typically be a letter A-Z but may be a digit. |
CountOnReportCard | ABS.GR | Indicates whether this absence code counts toward attendance totals on the grade report card. |
CountsForADA | ABS.AD | Indicates whether this absence code counts toward the school’s ADA apportionment calculation. |
IncludeInParentNotifications | ABS.DI | Indicates whether this absence code should be included when notifications are sent to parents (e.g., automated attendance calls). |
IncludeOnLetters | ABS.LT | Indicates whether this absence code should be included on letters sent to parents |
IncludeOnReports | ABS.OT | Indicates whether this absence code should print on attendance reports. |
IsPartialDayTruant | ABS.PT | Indicates whether this absence code represents a partial day truancy. It would normally be used for a student who is more than 30 minutes late for class. |
IsSuspension | ABS.SU | Indicates whether this absence code represents a suspension (may be in-school or out-of-school). |
SchoolCode | ABS.SC | The Aeries school code |
Title | ABS.TI | The full name (max 10 characters) for this absence code |
TypeCode | ABS.TY | A code representing the type of absence code. |
TypeDescription | The description corresponding to the TypeCode. 1 = Unverified Absence 2 = Excused Absence 3 = Unexcused Absence 4 = Verified Not Absent 5 = Tardy 6 = Present 7 (not currently used) 8 = Verified Excused Tardy 9 = Verified Unexcused Tardy | |
IsTemporarilyNotEnrolled | ABS.NE | Indicates whether the Student was Temporarily Not Enrolled |
IndependentStudyCode | ABS.IS | Used to Indicate a Students completion/incompletion of Independent Study Work |
ColorCode | ABS.CC | If the School uses it, the color code assigned to the Absence Code. |
Code Sets
Security Area:
- None Required (certificate in request is still required though)
- /api/v5/codes/{Table}/{Field}
- Table (required) – The 3 character Aeries Table Code or the API Object name. If you know the 3 character Aeries Table Code, feel free to use it. Otherwise, use the object name returned through the API. Examples include: "STU", "student", "contact", "course", "staff", "teacher", and "section".
- Field (required) – the 2-4 character Aeries Field Code or the API Object name. If you know the 2-4 character Aeries Field Code, feel free to use it. Otherwise, use the object name returned through the API. Examples include: "HL", "HomeLanguage", or "HomeLanguageCode". Fields/Properties in objects ending in "Code" have a code set associated with them. The "Field" passed to this end point can include the word "Code" or not.
- The code set for all field objects whose name ends in "Code" can be looked up using this API End Point.
Example Code Set Results:
"Table": "STU",
"Field": "GR",
"Code": "1",
"Description": "First Grade",
"Category": "",
"SortOrder": 0,
"Status": "",
"AeriesCode": "1",
"NumericValue": 0.0000,
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode1": "01",
"DescriptionForLanguage1": "Primer Grado",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode2": "02",
"DescriptionForLanguage2": "LỚP MỘT",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode3": "04",
"DescriptionForLanguage3": "1 학년",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode4": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage4": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode5": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage5": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode6": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage6": ""
"Table": "STU",
"Field": "GR",
"Code": "10",
"Description": "Tenth Grade",
"Category": "",
"SortOrder": 0,
"Status": "",
"AeriesCode": "10",
"NumericValue": 0.0000,
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode1": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage1": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode2": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage2": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode3": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage3": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode4": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage4": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode5": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage5": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode6": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage6": ""
"Table": "STU",
"Field": "GR",
"Code": "11",
"Description": "Eleventh Grade",
"Category": "",
"SortOrder": 0,
"Status": "",
"AeriesCode": "11",
"NumericValue": 0.0000,
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode1": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage1": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode2": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage2": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode3": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage3": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode4": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage4": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode5": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage5": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode6": "",
"DescriptionForLanguage6": ""
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AeriesCode | COD.AC | Identifies the internal Aeries code corresponding to the code value. Currently this is only used to match coded Grade Level values to the numeric grade levels that Aeries uses internally. For example, Kindergarten is coded as “K” but internally stored as 0. |
Category | COD.CAT | The category for this code. In some areas of the system, Aeries supports grouping related codes by categories. |
Code | COD.CD | The code value |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode1 | COD.CL1 | The first language code for which a translated description is available |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode2 | COD.CL2 | The second language code for which a translated description is available |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode3 | COD.CL3 | The third language code for which a translated description is available |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode4 | COD.CL4 | The fourth language code for which a translated description is available |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode5 | COD.CL5 | The fifth language code for which a translated description is available |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode6 | COD.CL6 | The sixth language code for which a translated description is available |
Description | COD.DE | The description for the code in English |
DescriptionForLanguage1 | COD.DE1 | The first translated description of the code |
DescriptionForLanguage2 | COD.DE2 | The second translated description of the code |
DescriptionForLanguage3 | COD.DE3 | The third translated description of the code |
DescriptionForLanguage4 | COD.DE4 | The fourth translated description of the code |
DescriptionForLanguage5 | COD.DE5 | The fifth translated description of the code |
DescriptionForLanguage6 | COD.DE6 | The sixth translated description of the code |
Field | COD.FC | The Aeries field to which this code belongs |
NumericValue | COD.N1 | Only used for certain table/field codes. The meaning depends on the table/field. Ex: for Fees/FeeCode, the NumericValue is the default amount of the fee. |
SortOrder | COD.SRT | The sort order for this code. In Aeries drop-down lists, codes are sorted alphabetically unless a sort order greater than zero is specified |
Status | COD.TG | Any value other than a blank means this code is inactive. It may still be found on existing records, but users are not able to select this code for new records. |
Table | COD.TC | The Aeries table to which this code belongs |