
This Aeries training session focuses on transcript management. During the session, the following associated tables linked to transcripts will be reviewed and explained:  Courses, Valid Marks, Course History Institutions and Graduation Requirements. The various options and practices for managing student transcripts are demonstrated and following pages are explained:  Transcript Definition, Off Grade Courses and Colleges.   Additionally, monitoring transcript requests and the Student Transcript Report are demonstrated.


Time Allotment

This Aeries training session is 3.5 hours. 


Target Audience

This Aeries training session is beneficial to high school registrars and office staff responsible for student transcripts. The following positions may be included as attendees:  Registrars, Counselors, Assistant/Vice Principals and District-Designated Aeries Trainers.


Expected Outcomes

Upon completing this Aeries training session, attendees should be able to:

  • Add, Monitor and Update Courses
  • Understand Valid Marks and Course History Institutions Related to Transcripts
  • Add and Design Transcripts