Secondary Standards Based Grades uses the following tables in Aeries:

  • GRD – Grade Reporting

  • GRO – Grade Reporting Options

  • GRS – Secondary Standards Based Grades 

  • SBR – Standards Based Courses

  • SBV – Standards Based Marks

  • STN – Standards

Users that are setting up both the Standards Based Grades for Secondary Schools and the secondary report card will need full (Read, Insert, Update and Delete) permission to: Course Data, Grade Reporting Options, and Standards Based Valid Marks. Insert and /or Update permissions are also needed to Standards (STN) to add new standards or edit existing Standards

To set up Secondary Report Cards/ initialize report cards for each grading term they will need full (Read, Insert, Update and Delete) permission to: Grades, Grade History, Grade Reporting Options, Grade Reporting Address Options and Mark Headings and Descriptions.

Please see the Security article for more detailed information on how to set up permissions for users and groups.

NOTE:  Editing an existing standard will impact standards already in use.  Permissions to the Standards (STN) table should be limited to admin type users and be granted with caution.