The Religious Information page is located in School Info | School Options and has to be enabled in order to display for use. From the Pages navigation tree, search for School Options.

Note:  Enabling the page will enable the page for all schools.

To enable the page, select School Code 0 from the list of schools on the School Options page. At the bottom of the School Options page in the Other Settings area, an Enable Religious Form option will display. This option defaults to "No". To enable the page, click the Change button on the bottom of the page.

The page will display in edit mode and the Enable Religious Form option will display with a check box next to it. To enable the Religious Information page, select the checkbox.

Next, click the Save button on the bottom of the page.

Note: In order to complete the enabling process of the Religious Information page, after the setting has been enabled, you must log out of Aeries and then log back in.