This is a legacy feature that is no longer supported by Frontline ERP (formerly Escape). Frontline now utilizes the Aeries API and can provide documentation to assist with the normalization of Staff Data and the configuration of the API sync settings.

Escape HR Scheduled Imports Overview 

Configure Escape HR Import  

SQL Server Options  

Data Tables  

Scheduled Process  

Escape HR Import Process 

Completion Results Email 

Import Log Details  

Escape HR Scheduled Imports Overview

Aeries can be utilized to schedule regular imports of Escape HR Staff Demographics and Staff Job Assignments into the Aeries database. This requires a specialized setup from Escape Technology.

Configure Escape HR Import  

Aeries Administrators can access the Escape HR Custom Import by navigating to School Info > Imports and Exports > Escape HR Custom Import. 

This page defines where the Escape HR custom data export is stored, and the scheduled day(s) and time for the import to run. There is also a button to import the Escape HR data immediately. Once all selections have been made, click on the SAVE button.

SQL Server Options  

The SQL connection information for the Escape HR custom data export must be identified in the Escape HR Import Configuration page.

Enter the SQL Server Name or IP address for the server where the Escape HR custom data export is stored, username to connect to the SQL server, the SQL database name, the Escape Org ID(s) that are used by your district, and the SQL password.

Data Tables  

The SQL table or view names where the Escape HR custom export data is stored need to be entered. By default data will always be imported into the Staff Demographics (STF) table. To also import into the Staff Job Assignments (STJ) table, click on the Staff Job Assignment (STJ) option in the Tables to include in import. Next enter the table or view names that will be used to identify the Staff Demographics data and the Staff Job Assignments data coming from Escape HR.

NOTE:  The Staff Demographics data will always be imported by default. The Staff Job Assignments data may be imported if selected. 

Scheduled Process  

To automate the Escape HR import on a weekly or daily basis, select the Days of the week and the Time of day to run the import process. The time can either be typed in or selected from the time drop-down.

Enter an email address in the Email Address field that will receive a completion report once the import process has completed. Multiple email addresses can be entered, separated by commas.

In the below example, the Scheduled Escape HR Import will run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 pm. An email with completion information will be sent to [email protected].

By default the Scheduled Escape HR import is Disabled. To turn on the scheduled process select the Enable Scheduled Process button.

After enabling the Scheduled Escape HR import the Status will change to Enabled and the button will change to Disable Scheduled Process so that it can be turned off again if appropriate.

Save Options

After all selections have been made to the Escape HR Import Configuration page, click the Save button. A message will display briefly notifying you that the settings have been saved.

Import Escape HR Data

In some circumstances, the Escape HR import may need to be run immediately. Click on the Import Escape HR Data button to immediately run the Escape HR import and send the completion results to the selected email address(es). A green message will display.

Escape HR Import Process

Import Process

The Escape HR Import process will use the Staff Demographics data and Staff Job Assignments data from the SQL server defined on the Escape HR Import Configuration page. The import process will only affect staff records in Aeries that have the Human Resources ID populated with the Employee ID from Escape.

Note: The Escape HR Import process will NOT add new Staff (STF) records to Aeries. The STF record must be added to Aeries first and have the Human Resources ID populated at a minimum.

When the Staff Demographics data is processed the system will match the Escape Employee ID to the Human Resources ID (STF.HRID) in the Aeries system.

  • In certain cases, such as a district that uses multiple Org IDs in Escape but has a single Aeries database, the Human Resources ID should be populated as OrgID_EmpID (e.g., if the Org ID is 1 and the Employee ID is 100, then STF.HRID would be 1_100).
  • Once a match is found the employee’s Staff Demographics (STF) record is updated with the data from Escape. The employee’s identifying information is also added to the EscapeHR_STF _ImportedRecords.csv report.
  • If no match can be made, then the employee’s identifying information is added to the EscapeHR_STF_UnmatchedRecords.csv report.
  • If duplicate records exist in the Escape HR data (i.e., two records with the same Employee ID) then neither record will be imported into the Aeries system. Identifying information for both records will be added to the EscapeHR_STF_Duplicates.csv report.

When the Staff Job Assignments data is processed the system will utilize the Escape HR data and Aeries to match the Staff Job Assignments records to the staff in the Aeries system.

  • Once a match is found the employee’s Staff Job Assignments (STJ) records for the year you are processing (normally this will be the current year) will be deleted and the job assignments from the Escape HR data will be added. The record’s identifying information is also added to the EscapeHR_STJ_ImportedRecords.csv report.
  • If no match can be made, then the record’s identifying information is added to the EscapeHR_STJ_UnmatchedRecords.csv report.

Completion Results Email

Once the Escape HR import has completed an email will be sent to the email address defined in the Escape HR Import Configuration page.

The body of the email will report summary information such as the date and time the Escape HR Import completed, and the number of records matched, unmatched, duplicate records, and records with errors. The email will also contain completion report attachments for the Escape HR Staff Demographics and Escape HR Staff Job Assignments imports.

  • EscapeHR_STF_ImportedRecords.csv – lists all the employees from the Escape HR Staff Demographics data that were matched to the staff in the Aeries system. The OrgID, HRID, First Name, and Last Name are from the Escape HR data. The Staff ID is the staff ID of the employee that the record was matched to in Aeries.
  • EscapeHR_STF_UnmatchedRecords.csv – lists all the employees from the Escape HR Staff Demographics data that could not be matched to the staff in the Aeries system. The OrgID, HRID, First Name, and Last Name are from the Escape HR data. The Staff ID is the Escape Employee ID and is not the same as the staff ID in Aeries.
  • EscapeHR_STF_Duplicates.csv – lists employees from the Escape HR Staff Demographics data that have duplicate records and cannot be processed. Corrections should be made in the system that houses the Escape HR data so that these employees can be matched in the Aeries system. The OrgID, HRID, First Name, and Last Name are from the Escape HR data. The Staff ID is the Escape Employee ID and is not the same as the staff ID in Aeries.
  • EscapeHR_STF_NotInFile.csv – lists the remaining staff in the Aeries Staff Demographics (STF) table that were not updated during the Import. The OrgID will be blank. The HR ID, Staff ID, First Name, and Last Name are from the Aeries system.
  • EscapeHR_STJ_ImportedRecords.csv – lists all the job assignments for the employees from the Escape HR Staff Job Assignments data that were matched to the staff in the Aeries system. The OrgID and Job Class are from the Escape HR data. The Staff ID is the staff ID of the employee that the record was matched to in Aeries.
  • EscapeHR_STJ_UnmatchedRecords.csv – lists the job assignments for the employees from the Escape HR Staff Job Assignments data that could not be matched to the staff in the Aeries system. The OrgID and Job Class are from the Escape HR data. The Staff ID is the Escape Employee ID and is not the same as the staff ID in Aeries.

Import Log Details  

The Escape HR Import process will log information in the LOG table and will include the scheduled tasks initiation time, task execution steps, the success or failure of each step with detailed error messages for failures, permissions or access issues encountered, network connectivity status during execution, and any anomalies detected.