Student Data > Other > District Student Lookup

School Info > District Student Lookup

Student Search (Multi-Year District Search button)

Student Data > Demographics (Add button, then Search Prior Year button)

The District Student Lookup page allows you to search for students who may have records at multiple schools and/or school years. The search returns a list of any students who have attended the district, as far back as district records exist in the database. The search is useful when trying to determine a student's last enrollment year.

From the search results you can print transcripts, enrollment history, or immunization records for prior school years, or you can copy a student from a prior school year to the current year. 


  • You must have access to more than one school.
  • For full functionality, all students who ever attended the district must have records in the Student ID Numbers (IDN) and Enrollment History (ENR) tables .


  Search for a student


  1. Select the table where you wish to search. Certain search fields are specific to the specified table.
    • IDN Records - Search the Student ID Numbers (IDN) table

      Searching IDN can retrieve student record that may have been deleted. If needed, the STU record can be undeleted via SQL.

    • STU Records - Search the Student Data (STU) table
      • Both active and inactive records are retrieved. 
      • Deleted STU records are not retrieved when selecting the STU Records option. 

    • Active STU Records - Search the Student Data (STU) table for active students only (Status = Active (STU.TG = blank))

  2. Enter one of the following search criterion:
    Last Name
    First Name
    Type all or part of the student last and/or first name (STU.LN, STU.FN).
    Student IDType all or part of the student district ID (STU.ID).
    State/Unique IDType all or part of the student unique state ID (STU.CID).
    School AND Stu#The STU Records  or Active STU option must be selected to use this search criteria.

    Type the three-digit school ID, then type all or part of the student local school ID (STU.SN).
    BirthdateType the students birthdate (STU.BD)

  3. Click Search.

    Search results are listed. The data displayed depends on the table selected (IDN or STU).

    Stu IDThe student local school ID (STU.SN)
    Last/First NameThe student first and last name (STU.LN, STU, FN)
    • The student middle name (STU.MN)
    • Only included if the IDN Records option is selected
    GenderThe student gender (STU.GN)
    • The student grade level (STU.GR)
    • Only included if the STU Records or Active STU option is selected
    BirthdayThe student birthdate (STU.BD)
    • The ID of the school the student attended (STU.SC)
    • Only included if the STU Records or Active STU option is selected
    • Only included if the STU Records or Active STU option is selected
    • Whether the student is inactive, active, pre-enrolled, or some other status (STU.TG) 
    • Blank indicates active.
    • Asterisk indicates pre-enrolled for next year.
    Leave Date
    • The date the student left the school that school year, if applicable (ENR.LD)
    • Only included if the STU Records or Active STU option is selected

  4. Click the row of the student you wish to view.

    The student's Enrollment History (ENR) records and Contacts (CON) are listed.
    YearThe school year of the retrieved record (ENR.YR)
    SchlThe school ID of the school the student attended that year (ENR.SC)
    Stu#The local school ID for the student at that school (ENR.SN)
    TrkThe attendance track in which the student was enrolled at that school (ENR.TR)
    Prg(California) The attendance program in which the student was enrolled at that school (ENR.PR)

    (Texas) The ADA Eligibility program in which the student was enrolled at that school (ENR.PR)
    GrdThe student's grade level that school year (ENR.GR)
    TchThe student's teacher at that school that school year (ENR.TN)
    Enter DateThe date the student entered the school that school year (ENR.ED)
    Leave DateThe date the student left the school that school year (ENR.LD)
    ReasonThe reason the student left the school that school year (ENR.ER)

  Print reports

Reports for prior school years can be printed as needed. Reports include data through the Year of the selected row. Only the most recent row will have data from all school years.

  1. Click the icon for the report you wish to print.
    • Transcript - Print the student's transcript through that school year.   
    • Enrollment - Print the student's Enrollment History Report through that school year.
    • Immunization - Print the student's immunization records. You are prompted to select Blue Card or Regular.
      • Click Regular to print the Student Immunization Card Report.
      • (California) Click Blue Card to print the report formatted for the State of California Health and Human Services Agency California Pre-Kindergarten and School Immunization Record.

  Copy student from prior school year to current school year

transcript, enrollment, immunization and copy student icons available for the student 

NOTE: If the student already exists in the current year the student cannot be copied.

  1. Click the Copy Student icon to copy the student record from a prior school year to the current year.

    A warning is displayed if the student is in a grade level outside the range of the school you are logged into. Click Yes if you wish to proceed.

    The student record is is copied.

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