The Multi Student Search page allows you to search for students from a list of student names or IDs by copying search criteria from an external source such as a spreadsheet, a text file, or email message. The top 3000 records are returned, including perfect and incomplete matches. 

You can KEEP, export, or print the search results, or add the students to a Student Group.


  Search for students


  1. Under Search Student List, the By Name tab is open by default. Use this tab if your list contains student names.

    Click By ID if your list contains student IDs.

  2. Copy the search criteria from the source file and paste the list in the text box.

  3. Under Column Delimiter, the delimiter is automatically detected and selected based on the data entered. If needed, select a different delimiter used in the source file: 

    TabA tab is inserted between each column in the source file. Aeries will look for the tab to distinguish between each student.
    CommaA comma is inserted between each column in the source file. Aeries will look for the comma to distinguish between each student.
    SpaceA space is inserted between each column in the source file. Aeries will look for the space to distinguish between each student.

  4. Under Column Order, select the order in which to return search results:

    First Name, Last NameStudents are listed alphabetically by first name then last name
    Last Name, First NameStudents are listed alphabetically by last name then fist name

  5. Click Search N Students. The number indicates the number of students pasted in the search box. 

  6. Under Results, search results are listed on two tabs, including the counts for each tab:

    • Perfect Matches - Exactly one student matched the first and last name, or one student matched the student ID.
    • Incomplete Matches - Multiple possible students matched the search criteria, or no matches were found.

  7. For Perfect Matches, you can use all perfect matches or select specific matches to perform several functions, described in the next section.

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  Keep matched students

  1. Click Keep to keep all Perfect Matches using the Aeries Query KEEP functionality. All other students are skipped. See Query SKIP or KEEP.
  2. Or, click Keep Selected to keep only the selected students.

    Any time you are keeping students, a message is displayed at the top of all student pages.
    To stop keeping the group of students, click Reset

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  Export matched students

The Export feature allows you to export all Perfect Matches into a spreadsheet file that can be opened outside of Aeries.

  1. Click Export to add all Perfect Matches into a spreadsheet file that can be opened outside of Aeries.
  2. Or, click Export Selected to add only the selected students to a spreadsheet.

    The Export Checked Students window opens allowing further options.

  3. Click the Column Settings icon in the top-right corner to change the sorting and column options.
  4. Select the sort order. From the Columns menu select/unselect the information you wish to include in the spreadsheet.
  5. Click Export List to Excel. The file is downloaded according to your browser settings.

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  Add matched students to a Student Group

  1. Click Add to Group to add all Perfect Matches to a student group, as set up on the Student Groups page.
  2. Or, click Add Selected to Group to add only the selected students.

    The Add Checked Students to a Group window opens.

  3. Select a Group and click Add to Group.

    A message confirms the number of students added to the group. Click OK

  4. Close the Add Checked Students to a Group window.

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  Print matched students

  1. Click Print to generate a Student List Report that includes all Perfect Matches.
  2. Or, click Print Selected to print only the selected students. 

    The Report Viewer window indicates when the report is ready.

  3. Download or view the report.

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  Re-try incomplete matches

  1. For Incomplete Matches, click Change Search to change the search criteria as needed. A search box opens allowing you to re-try the search.
  2. Change the search criteria and click Search.

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