The Grading Periods page allows you to set up grading periods within a term. A grading period is a smaller segment within a term, such as a grading cycle. Teacher gradebooks can be linked to individual grading periods.
A grading period can also be set up specifically for a semester exam, final exam, or final assignment, and indicate the percentage/weight of each grade in the calculation. Also, a grading period can be set up as a "snapshot" period to be used for mid-cycle progress reporting.
Tables ↑
Grades (GRD) |
Grading Periods (GPD) |
Gradebooks (GBK) |
Standards Based Grades (SBG) |
Standards Based Valid Marks (SBV) |
Terms (TRM) |
Configuration ↑
- Attendance calendars must already be set up.
- On School Info > School Options:
- Set options related to grading periods:
- Tracks - Ensure the number of tracks at the school is set correctly.
- Schedule Basis - Select Semester.
- Use Grading Periods Instead of Terms in Gradebook - Select Yes.
NOTE: In order to maintain Gradebook data integrity, this option cannot be changed once grading periods are defined. Likewise, if Gradebook Terms (GBR) are already in use at the school, this option cannot be enabled. - Under Grade Reporting Types, indicate if the school will use elementary standards based grading (SBG) or secondary traditional grading (GRD) grades, or both. See Using Both Standards Based Grades and Grade Reporting in a School.
These settings must be first enabled at the district level, and then enabled for the school.
- Set options related to grading periods:
- On School Info > Terms:
- Establish terms, including start and end dates for each track (if Tracks > 0 on School Options page). Establishing terms can also be done from the School Options page under Terms.
At least one Term (TRM.TM) must be set up before grading periods can be added.
- Establish terms, including start and end dates for each track (if Tracks > 0 on School Options page). Establishing terms can also be done from the School Options page under Terms.
- For schools using traditional secondary grading, on Grade Reporting > Configurations > Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions:
- Add all headings that will print above each mark on the multiple mark report cards. These headings also appear on Grade Reporting > Grades. You can add up to 12 marks using the 12 M# fields.
The headings should reflect the grading cycles, exams, final grades, etc. that occur throughout the year.
Be sure to include headings for grading period that are used specifically for a semester exam, final exam, or final assignment. - The Begin Date and End Date State fields determine which dates are pulled from the teacher Gradebook (according to the Due On field on the Add Assignment page).
For two-semester, six-cycle school, add the following:Mark Heading Description M1 S1 C1 Cycle 1 M2 S1 C2 Cycle 2 M3 S1 C3 Cycle 3 M4 S1 Exm Semester 1 - Exam M5 S1 Avg Semester 1 - Average M6 S2 C4 Cycle 4 M7 S2 C5 Cycle 5 M8 S2 C6 Cycle 6 M9 S2 Avg Semester 2 - Average M10 FIN Exm Final - Exam M11 FIN Avg Final - Average Note that there are 11 marks, so you will need to select the report card layout that accommodates up to 12 marks.
For two-semester, four-quarter school, add the following:Current Mark Heading Description M1 S1 Q1 1st Qtr/Nine Weeks M2 S1 Q1 2nd Qtr/Nine Weeks M3 S1 Exm Semester 1 - Exam M4 S1 Avg Semester 1 - Average M5 S2 Q3 3rd Qtr/Nine Weeks M6 S2 Q4 4th Qtr/Nine Weeks M7 S2 Avg Semester 2 - Average M8 FIN Exm Final Exam M9 FIN Avg Final Average Note that there are 9 marks, so you must select the report card layout that accommodates up to 9 marks (trifold) or 12 marks (letter). - For SBG schools, mark headings cannot be renamed. The headings M1, M2, M3, and M4 will print above the marks on report cards.
- If calculating a final yearly grade, select the mark from the Final Yearly Grade Mark drop-down otherwise leave the default of None.
- Add all headings that will print above each mark on the multiple mark report cards. These headings also appear on Grade Reporting > Grades. You can add up to 12 marks using the 12 M# fields.
- On School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options - Grades:
- Use either the Open GRD Grading Windows for Teachers section (for secondary schools) or the Open SBG Grading Windows for Teachers section (for elementary schools) to indicate the date ranges when teachers can enter grades for each grading period. Note that these dates are NOT the grade reporting periods.
The date range should end prior to the date when report cards are printed, and should allow teachers adequate time to finish entering grades.
See Portal Options - Grades.
- Use either the Open GRD Grading Windows for Teachers section (for secondary schools) or the Open SBG Grading Windows for Teachers section (for elementary schools) to indicate the date ranges when teachers can enter grades for each grading period. Note that these dates are NOT the grade reporting periods.
NOTE: When a Final Yearly Grade Mark is defined on the Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions page and the Grading Periods page has a grading period created to calculate this final yearly mark, you must also open that marking period on the Portal Options page to automatically trigger this final year grading period calculation.
Teachers will not import grades directly into this mark. Instead, the final year mark will automatically apply the calculation defined on the Grading Periods page for courses with the same school with the same Service ID when this mark is open on the Portal Options page.
Add Grading Periods
Navigate to Grade Reporting > Configurations > Grading Periods
The terms are listed. Add grading periods for each term.
If the school has multiple tracks, the grading periods for each track must be added for each term.
- Click Add Grading Period, or click the Edit icon to edit an existing grading period.
- Grading Period - Enter a unique name for the grading period, up to 10 characters, such as FallCyc1, FallCyc2, FallCyc3, etc.
Example: For 2-semester, 6-cycle school, add the following:
Fall term:
* Cycle 1, Cycle 2, and Cycle 3
* Semester 1 Exam
* Semester 1 Average
Spring term:
* Cycle 4, Cycle 5, and Cycle 6
* Semester 2 Average
Year term:
* Final Exam
* Final Average - Description (Required) Enter a description for the grading period, up to 50 characters.
- Color Code Select an optional color that will be used to shade assignments associated with the grading period for easier viewing.
- Start Date/End Date- Enter the date range for the grading period.
- If the school has multiple tracks, the grading periods for each track must be added for each term.
- The date range determines which assignments are pulled from Gradebook for a particular grading period. The Due On field from the teacher's gradebook is compared to the date range.
- All dates must be set accurately for all periods, including semester and final exams and averages. The range may be a particular date or week at the end of the term.
- The following fields depend on which Grade Reporting Type(s) are enabled on the School Options page.
- GRD Grading Mark - If using traditional secondary grading (which is stored in the Grades (GRD) table), select the mark to be used for the grading period.
The available options are based on the Headings entered on the Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions page. Otherwise:- Not used in Secondary Grades - Select this option to indicate that a particular grading period is not used with secondary grades.
- Grading Snapshot - Select this option to indicate that the grading period is used as a Grading Snapshot only. Grading Snapshots can be used for mid-term progress reporting or to determine sports eligibility. See Grading Snapshots - Overview and Configuration. The Show in Portal field is only displayed if this option is selected.
- If you select the mark identified as the Final Yearly Grade Mark, the calculation will run for all courses at that school with the same Service ID. If you do not see this final mark listed in the drop-down, verify the settings in Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions page and that this mark is not currently used in another grading period. You are only able to use this mark in 1 grading period.
- SBG Grading Mark- If using elementary standards-based grading (SBG) (which is stored in the SBG table), select the mark to be used for the grading period. Otherwise:
- Not used in SBG - Select this option to indicate that a particular grading period is not used with elementary SBG grades.
- Not used in SBG - Select this option to indicate that a particular grading period is not used with elementary SBG grades.
- GRD Grading Mark - If using traditional secondary grading (which is stored in the Grades (GRD) table), select the mark to be used for the grading period.
- Grading Period - Enter a unique name for the grading period, up to 10 characters, such as FallCyc1, FallCyc2, FallCyc3, etc.
NOTE: Using GRD and/or SBG grading is enabled on the School Options page under Grade Reporting Types. See Using Both Standards Based Grades and Grade Reporting in a School.
- Is Calculated - If selected, the Grading Calculation fields are enabled which allow percentages to be defined for the grading period, allowing you to indicate how a grading period should be considered in the calculation.
The option should only be selected for the last overall grading period within a term, when all previously added grading periods are listed. This ensures that any weighted grading period is assigned a weight, and that the total equals 100 for the term/semester.
NOTE: A grading period cannot be part of a "circular reference." This means that the calculation for a grading period cannot be used for another calculated grading period. For example, if "Semester 1 Average" is calculated, the "Final Average" cannot include "Semester 1 Average" in its calculations. Instead, build the semester average calculations into the "Final Average" calculation.
If you choose the mark identified as the final yearly grade mark, Is Calculated will be checked by default. - Is Final Assignment - This option should only be selected for a grading period that is set up specifically for a final exam or final assignment.
The field works in conjunction with the Final Assignment and Due On fields on the Add Assignment page in Gradebook. The assignment will be included if:- Final Assignment is selected for the assignment in Gradebook, and
- The Due On field in Gradebook is during the grading period, and
- Is Final Assignment is selected for the grading period
For Semester Average:
- Create an overall grading period within the term.
For example, to calculate semester 1 average, create a "Semester 1 Average" grading period, select Is Calculated, and set weights for Cycles 1, 2, and 3.Example:
For a two-semester, six-cycle school, create these grading periods:Grading PeriodIs Final Assignment (GPD.IFA)Is Calculated (GPD.IC)Cycle 1NNCycle 2NNCycle 2NNSemester 1 ExamYNSemester 1 AverageNY - For the "Semester 1 Average" grading period, establish weights for calculating the average.
Not all grading periods need to be weighted, but the percentages must total 100.
For each grading cycle, indicate whether the grades will come from the Grades table (GRD) or Gradebook table (GBK). A combination of sources may be used during a term.- Grades table (GRD) - Posted grades from the grading period are used, which are typically not changed once posted.
- Gradebook table (GBK) - Grades from the teacher's gradebook are used, which may be subject to change. This might be the preferred source for grading snapshots.
For Final Average
Create an overall grading period for the year that builds in semester average calculations.
All Courses with the same service ID will be averaged together.
For setup requirements see Texas - Final Yearly Grade Mark
- Apply To Gradebook - Select if the grading period will be applied to teacher gradebooks.
If selected, teachers will see a separate gradebook for each grading period.
For example, if a teacher created a 'Period 1 English' gradebook for the fall semester, and there are 4 grading periods in the fall semester, the teacher's 'Period 1 English' gradebook will be viewed as 4 separate gradebooks.- Assignments scheduled within a grading period will be visible in that specific gradebook
- Student score calculations and reports are also affected.
If not selected, the teacher will only see one 'Period 1 English' gradebook for the entire semester and it will include all assignments within the term.
Note: The final year grade mark will not have this option as it will be calculated from grades only.
- Show in Portal - The field is only displayed if GRD Grading Mark is set to Grading Snapshot. The field is not currently in use.
2. Click Save.
Edit/Delete Grading Periods ↑
NOTE: When the grading periods dates are modified, Gradebook Snapshot records (GSS) that are not associated with the Grading Period will be deleted. No warning message will appear.
- Click the Edit icon. A window opens allowing you to edit or delete a grading period.
- Make changes as needed and click Save, or click Delete to delete the grading period.
- If you click Delete, you are prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the grading period.
Click OK to continue.