Student membership from the teacher’s roster is to be reconciled to the attendance accounting records at the end of the first and fourth six-week reporting periods, per the TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH). The district must develop a form to show the reconciliation.

The verification date is district determined. Typically the date should be a regular school date with no schedule abnormalities.

Step 1: Clean Up Data

IMPORTANT: Each school should complete cleanup and error correction BEFORE the verification date. 

  1. First, determine which Flex period(s) meet during the Primary ADA Time and Secondary ADA Time on the verification date.

    Use School Options to determine the primary and secondary ADA times.

    Use Flex Periods to determine the period that occurs during those times.

    Note the Short Title, which will be used in queries described below.

    Use Class Calendars to confirm that the period meets during the ADA times on the district's verification date. For example, if the verification date is 9/2, that date should be selected and shaded green to indicate that period 3 DOES meet on that date.
  2. If the school uses a Secondary ADA Time, repeat these steps for the secondary ADA time.

  3. Run the following queries to find students with invalid data.

    These queries should be run for the verification date. The verification date is determined by the district.
    1. First, run the following query to skip students who are not active. This will leave the students who are active on the day you run the query.

      SKIP STU IF STU.TG # ' ' 

      IMPORTANT: Be sure to add a space to the end of the query.

    2. With these students skipped, run the following query to skip students who have a course in both Classes (MST) and Course Attendance (CAR) for the official attendance period. The resulting list is all students who have have a course in MST but not in CAR, or vice versa. Data for these students must be corrected.

      SKIP CAR STU SEC MST FTF IF MST.SE = CAR.SE AND FTF.STI = "x" AND CAR.DS <= "mm/dd/yyyy" AND CAR.DE >= "mm/dd/yyyy"

      • x = Short Title (official attendance period)
      • mm/dd/yyyy (both) = verification date

  4. If the school uses a Secondary ADA Time, repeat these steps for the secondary ADA time, changing the FTF.STI = "x" value to the secondary ADA period.

  5. Correct the issues for any students listed.

    NOTE: All schedule changes should be made on the Classes page, not on Course Attendance.
    For example:
    • Compare student schedules on Classes and Course Attendance
      • If the course-section exists on Course Attendance but not Classes, delete the section from Course Attendance and re-enter the section on Classes using the same entry/withdrawal dates. 
      • If the course-section exists on Classes but not Course Attendance, add the section on Course Attendance


    • Look at the section student list on Master Schedule and ensure the student is listed. 

    • Once students are corrected, double check that the same information is listed on Classes and Course Attendance.

  6. Run the Attendance Audit Listing Report to identify and correct the following errors:
    • S: Student missing Summer Leave Date with Summer Withdrawal Reason 98
      • Remove the data if the student is Active, or
      • Complete the information on Demographics > Student Data 2. On Demographics > Student Data 1; set Status to I (inactive), and update the withdrawal information in the previous school year. 
    • W: Student has Period Attendance without Enrollment on mm/dd/yyyy
      • Compare the student’s enrollment date to attendance on the Student Attendancepage.
        • Note the Totals on the page.
        • It may be necessary to update attendance for the days listed by setting the All Day code to Blank.
        • Look at the student’s schedule under CAR.
    • Ensure that the report can be run with no errors. The report must be blank; otherwise totals will not match. Review and correct errors until the report is blank. 
      • The 'EE and 0 ADA students without courses' error can be ignored.
      • The '5 year old PK student' error can be ignored.

  7. Run the Course Attendance Audit Report to determine if there is a conflict with the dates on the Course Attendance page.

    Correct the following errors:
    • Current Section NOT in CAR Table
      Student has a course on Classes but not Course Attendance.

    • Student has Overlapping Courses in CAR

      There is a course on Course Attendance where the End Date of one course in a period is the same as the Start Date in another course in the same period.

    • Enrolled in ATT but has no CAR on MM/DD/YYYY
      Student is enrolled but does not have a schedule.

      Ensure that the report can be run with no errors. The report must be blank; otherwise totals will not match. Review and correct errors until the report is blank.

Step 2: Reconcile Campus Data

IMPORTANT: These steps must be done ON the verification date.

Before proceeding: 

  • Do not enroll or withdraw any students in Aeries until verification reports have been generated.
  • Do  not perform any schedule change in Aeries on the verification date.
  • Your district's specific procedures may vary.

  1. Run the Class Rosters Report
  2. Distribute the report to teachers to verify the students enrolled in their class at ADA time.
    • Teachers and/or substitutes must also take attendance on the verification day. 
    • The reconciliation does not take the place of regular attendance procedures. The report is only used to verify that students on the list have been physically present or engaged remotely in the class during the six weeks. Teachers should not take attendance on the report.
    • It is recommended that teachers use the following instructions to complete the class roster; however, each district can determine its own best practices for this step:
      1. Mark through any students who should not be on the report.
      2. Add the name and grade level of any student who is in the class but not listed on the report.
      3. Sign the roster and return to the office by the specified due date.
    • Campus staff should verify that all class rosters were returned and signed.
    • Update records according to the new information.

  3. Run the Summary of Students by Teacher and Period Report and select the Class by Date (CAR) option.
    • The Class by Date (CAR)option can be selected to calculate Summary of Student totals based on Course Attendance (CAR) and the ADA period for a given date.
      • For 1st six weeks: Select a valid school date that falls within the 1st six weeks of school. This date is determined by the school district. 
      • For 4th six weeks:  Select a valid school date that falls within the 4th six weeks of school. This date is determined by the school district.
    • You can leave Starting Period blank to run for all periods if there are 10 or fewer Flex periods.
    • Enter the total number of students during the ADA period from Total row on the Six Weeks Verification Worksheet (Step 1).
    • Attach the report to the Six Week Verification Worksheet.

  1. Run the Gain and Loss Report.
  • The Start Date should be the first date of the six-week Reporting Period.
  • The End Date should be the date on which you are running the report.

  • Enter the Ending Enroll from the last page of the report on the Six Weeks Verification Worksheet (Step 2).

  • Attach the report to the Six Weeks Verification Worksheet.

Step 3: Complete Verification Worksheet

  1. Complete a 1st/4th Six Weeks Verification Worksheet for each school using the following example as a guide.
    Obtain all required signatures.

  2. Per the SAAH Section 2.3.4, “The district PEIMS Coordinator and his or her supervisor must certify this document with their signatures.”

  3. Store all original documents and reports with signatures for five years.