The Student Attendance Campus Summary Report is one of the three audit reports that should be run and verified for each six-week reporting period. Per the TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH), the principal should review data "for reasonableness" as follows:

  • Scrutinize regular attendance totals and special program attendance totals based on approximate membership.
  • Investigate all data totals that have an exceptionally high value or a value of zero.
  • Compare current year totals to prior year totals to detect unreasonable differences.

The chart below lists the specific SAAH Requirement per 2.3.2 Campus Summary Reports (Summarize all tracks on a campus) and shows the specific section of the Student Attendance Campus Summary Report where the information can be reviewed and verified, as well as the sources of the data and calculations.


  • The blue message on the Report Options page lists any six-week periods that have already been computed. If a reporting period is re-calculated, all subsequent reporting periods must be re-calculated. In this case, ensure Recompute Attendance Reporting Details (ARD) Information is selected when running the report.

  • Students can be filtered and printed by selecting one or more programs. If no programs are selected, all students will print regardless of program.
    • NOTE: Students are printed with the Emergent Bilingual counts if they have a Special Program code of 146 - Bilingual or code 147 = English as a Second Language (ESL)


  • If generating the report as a PDF to be emailed as a link, the report will be sent as a secure document that must be opened using Adobe Acrobat. This extra layer of security is intended to prevent unauthorized editing of the data.

* Attendance Event Indicator (noted with an asterisk in the tables below) is calculated when the report is run based on ENR.PR and program participation (PGM.CD). See StudentAttendance Interchange - Field Mapping and Rules (SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension > AttendanceEventIndicator (E1085)).

SAAH Requirement
Aeries Report table.columnSource/Calculation
Report heading:

1. name of the district and campus

LOC.NMSchool Options (district)District Name
LOC.CDSchool OptionsCode
LOC.NM is district name if LOC.CD = 0.
LOC.NM is campus name if LOC.CD > 0.

2. county-district-campus number

LOC.CC + LOC.DC + LOC.SCSchool Options (district)County + District + School

3. six-week reporting period

ARS.RPARP.RPAttendance Reporting PeriodsReporting Period
4. beginning and ending dates of the reporting period, including the year (If the campus has multiple tracks, the earliest track beginning date and latest track ending date should be indicated.
ARP.D1, ARP.D2Attendance Reporting PeriodsStarting Date/Ending Date
Minimum ARP.D1 and maximum ARP.D2 values for the school and reporting period

SAAH Requirement
Aeries Report table.columnSource/Calculation
Campus Summary - ###:
5. attendance data totals for all students, summarized by grade and including:
  • (5a) days membership (both eligible and ineligible students)
ATT.CD > " "Attendance EnrollmentEnt/Lv
ATT.PRAttendance Enrollment


ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.MBR is a total count of DAY.DT for all students at campus, based on:
  • DAY.DT is between ATT.CD = E and ATT.CD  = L, or
  • DAY.DT is same as ATT.CD = B (enrolled for one day)


  • Half day (0.5) if ATT.PR = 2, 5, or 6
  • Otherwise, full day (1.0)
  • (5b) days absent (both eligible and ineligible students)
all day code
ARS.MBRcalculated (see 5a)
ABS.AD = 0 (not selected)Update Absence CodesCount for ADA
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.ABS is a total count of All-Day Absences (ATT.AL) within membership days (ARS.MBR) where ABS.AD = 0
  • (5c) total days present (both eligible and ineligible students)
ARS.PRSATT.AL = " "Attendanceall day code
ARS.MBRcalculated (see 5a)
ABS.AD = 1 (selected)Update Absence CodesCount for ADA
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.PRS is a count of All-Day Absences (ATT.AL) within membership days (ARS.MBR) based on Absence Codes that count for ADA (ABS.AD = 1) or ATT.AL = " "
  • (5d) ineligible days present
ARS.INEARS.PRScalculated (see 5c)
ATT.PR <> 1, 2, 3, 6, or 7Attendance EnrollmentElig
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.INE is a subset of ARS.PRS where student is not ADA eligible (i.e., ATT.PR <> 1, 2, 3, 6, or 7)
  • (5e) eligible days present (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 
ARS.ELGARS.PRScalculated (see 5c)
ATT.PR = 1, 2, 3, 6, or 7Attendance EnrollmentElig
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.ELG is a subset of ARS.PRS where student is ADA eligible (i.e., ATT.PR = 1, 2, 3, 6, or 7)
  • (5f) eligible days bil/ESL (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 
ARS.EDBPGM.PSD/PGM.PEDSpecial ProgramsStart Date/End Date
PGM.CD = 146 or 147Program Code
PGM.TY = 2-5 (if PGM.CD = 146) or 2-3 (if PGM.CD = 147)Program Type
AUT.TY = 4Type
ARS.EI = 02 (Regular-Bil/ESL) or 07 (Flexible-Bil/ESL)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDB is a count of days enrolled in Bil/ESL with authorization within reporting period 
  • (5g) eligible days bil/ESL dual language one-way program (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 
ARS.EDB1ARS.EDBcalculated (see 5f)
PGM.FT = D1 (One-way)Special Programs

Funding Type
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDB1 is a subset of ARS.EDB where PGM.FT = D1
  • (5h) eligible days bil/ESL dual language two-way program (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 
ARS.EDB2ARS.EDBcalculated (see 5f)
PGM.FT = D2 (Two-way)Special ProgramsFunding Type
STU.LF = 1 (LEP)DemographicsLEP
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDB2 is a subset of ARS.EDB where PGM.FT = D2 and STU.LF = 1
  • (5i) eligible days bil/ESL dual language two-way program (Non EL-EB/English Proficient) (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 

calculated (see 5f)
PGM.FT = D2 (Two-way)Special Programs

Funding Type
STU.LF <> 1 (not EL)DemographicsLEP
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDB3 is a subset of ARS.EDB where PGM.FT = D2 and STU.LF = 1 
  • (5j) eligible days PRS (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 
ARS.EDPPGM.PSD/PGM.PEDSpecial ProgramsStart Date/End Date
PGM.CD = 162 (PRS)Program Code
ARS.EI = 04 (Regular-PRS) or 09 (Flexible-PRS)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDP is a count of days enrolled in PRS within reporting period
  • (5k) eligible days special education mainstream (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 
ARS.EDMCSH.SD to CSH.EDSpecial Education > Instructional SettingStart Date/End Date
CHS.INS = 40 (mainstream)Instructional Setting
ARS.EI = 11 (Regular-SpecialEd Mainstream) or 12 (Flexible-SpecialEd Mainstream)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDM is a count of days enrolled in special education within reporting period
  • (5l) eligible days early education allotment educationally disadvantaged (grades KG-3), if applicable
ARS.EDE1FRE.CDFree and Reduced

NSLP Lunch Type Code

ATT.GR = KG-3Attendancegrade level    
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDE1 is a count of days where student is in grade level KG-3 and eligible for eco dis (i.e.,  most recent FRE record must be NOT Paid)

NOTE: FRE.CD must be mapped to Free/Reduced code on Texas State Reporting > Code Translations.

  • (5m) eligible days early education allotment bil/ESL (grades KG-3), if applicable
ARS.EDE2PGM.PSD/PGM.PEDSpecial ProgramsStart Date/End Date
PGM.CD = 146 or 147Program Code
PGM.TY = 2-5 (if PGM.CD = 146) or 2-3 (if PGM.CD = 147)Program Type
AUT.TY = 4Type
ATT.GR = KG-3Attendancegrade level
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDE2 is a count of days where student is in grade level KG-3 and enrolled in Bil/ESL with authorization within reporting period
  • (5n) eligible days early education allotment educationally disadvantaged and bil/ESL (grades KG-3), if applicable
ARS.EDE3PGM.PSD/PGM.PEDSpecial ProgramsStart Date/End Date
PGM.CD = 146 or 147Program Code
PGM.TY = 2-5 (if PGM.CD = 146) or 2-3 (if PGM.CD = 147)Program Type
AUT.TY = 4Type
FRE.CDFree and ReducedNSLP Lunch Type Code
ATT.GR = KG-3Attendancegrade level
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *

ARS.EDE3 is a count of days where student is in grade level KG-3 and enrolled with authorization in Bil/ESL within reporting period and eligible for eco dis (i.e., most recent FRE record must be NOT Paid)

NOTE: FRE.CD must be mapped to Free/Reduced code on Texas State Reporting > Code Translations.

  • (5o) eligible days residential facility (in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous) 



Special Education > Residential FacilityEntry Date/Leave Date
PGM.PSD/PGM.PEDSpecial ProgramsStart Date/End Date
PGM.CD = 407Program Code
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.EDRF is a count of days enrolled in Residential Facility (RFH record) within reporting period, OR a count of days enrolled in RF program (PGM record) within reporting period
Campus Summary - ### - Totals:
6. campus total for all grades for all data required in item 5 aboveSum of all grade level totals in #5

SAAH Requirement
Campus ### - Absence Summary:
7. total days absent reported by date for entire calendarATT.SCAttendanceSchool
ATT.ALall day code
ATT.DEL = 0If an absence is deleted, ATT.DEL = 1. These are not counted.
ABS.CDUpdate Absence CodesCode
ABS.AD = 0 (not selected)Count for ADA

If a code is deleted, ABS.DEL = 1. A code should never be deleted if it exists in ATT.
ARH.HR = 1 (Absent)Student Attendance Campus Summary Reporthours
ARH.PR = ABSprogram
Count of all-day ADA absences for the school

SAAH Requirement
Aeries Report table.columnSource/Calculation
Campus ### - Program ADA/FTE:
8. campus ADA
  • (8a) regular classroom eligible participation

ARD.ELGcalculated (See 5e)
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
Refined ADA minus Special Program FTE (See 11a and 11b)
Refined ADA = (Sum of ARD.ELG) divided by ARP.TD
  • (8b) Bil/ESL 

ARD.ELGcalculated (See 5e)
ARD.PR = Bilingual Program OR English as a Second Language (ESL)Student Attendance Detail ReportProgram Name
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
(Sum of ARD.ELG where ARD.PR = Bil/ESL) divided by ARP.TD
  • (8c) PRS

ARD.ELGcalculated (See 5e)
ARD.PR = Pregnancy-Related ServicesStudent Attendance Detail ReportProgram Name
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
(Sum of ARD.ELG where ARD.PR = PRS) divided by ARP.TD
  • (8d) mainstream

ARD.ELGcalculated (See 5e)
ARD.PR = Instructional SettingStudent Attendance Detail ReportProgram Name
ARD.CD = 40Code Value
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
(Sum of ARD.ELG where ARD.PR = Instructional Setting and ARD.CD = 40) divided by ARP.TD
  • (8e) early education allotment - educationally disadvantaged

ARS.EDE1Student Attendance Campus Summary ReportElig Days Early Education Allotment Educationally Disadvantaged (K-3)
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
(Sum of ARS.EDE1) divided by ARP.TD
  • (8f) early education allotment - bil/ESL

ARS.EDE2Student Attendance Campus Summary ReportElig Days Early Education Allotment Bilingual/ESL (K-3)
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
(Sum of ARS.EDE2) divided by ARP.TD
  • (8g) early education allotment - educationally disadvantaged and bil/ESL

ARS.EDE3Student Attendance Campus Summary ReportElig Days Early Education Allotment Educationally Disadvantaged and Bilingual/ESL (K-3)
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
(Sum of ARS.EDE3) divided by ARP.TD
  • (8h) residential

ARS.EDRFStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportElig Days Residential Facility
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days

ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
(Sum of ARS.EDRF) divided by ARP.TD

SAAH Requirement
Aeries Report table.columnSource/Calculation
Campus ### - Career Tech Summary:
9. total for all CTE codes (V1–V3), if applicable
  • (9a) eligible days present 

ARS.ELGcalculated (See 5e)
MST.CHMaster ScheduleCTE V-Code
CAR.DS/CAR.DECourse AttendanceStart Date/Stop Date
ARS.CDStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportCTE Code (V1-V3)
ARS.EI = 03 (Regular-CTE) or 08 (Flexible-CTE)Attendance Event Indicator *
Sum of ARS.ELG within each V-Code for the reporting window; based on student's last day of enrollment in the reporting period.
NOTE: V-Codes are combined (for example, if student has two V1 codes, they are counted as V2).
V-Code = V + ARS.CD; 

V-Code is based on MST.CH within date range


  • For CTE students placed in a disciplinary setting during the reporting period, CTE Eligibility must cease on the day before the student is placed the disciplinary setting and resume the day after the student's last day in the setting. Use PGM.CD = 414 (CTE Ineligible Funding) to track these students. The option is used in calculations when the student was enrolled in this program for or more consecutive school days.
  • For CTE students who start receiving homebound services during the reporting period, CTE Eligibility must cease on the day before the student starts receiving services, and resume the day after homebound instruction ends. CTE days are not counted during this period. (See SAAH 5.2.4)
    • For special education students, homebound services are indicated by the Instructional Setting (CSH.INS = 01).
    • For PRS and all other students, homebound services are indicated by the special program (PGM.CD = 412).
  • (9b) total contact hours 

ARS.ELGcalculated (See 5e)
ARS.CDStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportCTE Code (V1-V6)
ARS.EI = 03 (Regular-CTE) or 08 (Flexible-CTE)Attendance Event Indicator *

(Sum of ARS.ELG) * ARS.CD

Contact Hours = Eligible Days * Contact Value (V#)

SAAH Requirement
Aeries Report table.columnSource/Calculation
Campus ### - Special Education Summary:
10. total for all special education instructional settings, including speech therapy, if applicable
  • (10a) eligible days present
ARS.ELGARS.INSStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportSpecial Education Instructional Setting
CHS.INSSpecial Education > Instructional SettingInstructional Setting
CSH.SD/CSH.EDStart Date/End Date
ARS.ELGStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportDays Eligible
ARS.EI = 05 (Regular-SpecialEd)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.INS = CHS.INS where at least one student is enrolled within reporting period 
  • (10b) contact hours

ARS.ELGcalculated (see 5e)
ARS.INSStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportSpecial Education Instructional Setting
CHS.INSSpecial Education > Instructional SettingInstructional Setting
ARS.EI = 05 (Regular-SpecialEd)Attendance Event Indicator *
Contact Hours = ARS.ELG * Contact Value
Sum of all hours for all days within reporting period

Contact Value is hard coded based on SAAH 4.15.1, and determined based on the CSH.INS values, as follows:

CHS.INSContact Value
08, 30, 81-895.5
  • (10c) excess contact hours
ARS.ECHARS.EI = 05 (Regular-SpecialEd)Attendance Event Indicator *
Sum of Contact Hours that exceed 6.0 on any single day

SAAH Requirement
11. full-time equivalent (FTE) calculations for all special programs reported for data required in items 9 and 10
  • (11a) CTE FTE
ARS.CDStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportCTE Code (V1-V6)
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
ARS.EI = 03 (Regular-CTE) or 08 (Flexible-CTE)Attendance Event Indicator *
Sum (ARS.ELG * ARS.CD) divided by (ARP.TD * 6))

Campus-level Contact Hours FTE calculation:

CTE Tier 1 Service IDs:

1. Multiply sum of CTE-eligible days present (V1, V2, and V3) for each grade level by the corresponding CTE Contact Hour Multiplier. 

Contact Hours = (Eligible Days Present * CTE Contact Hour Multiplier). 


V1 Contact Hours: (239 days * 1.0 Hour) = 239 

V2 Contact Hours: (162 days * 2.0 Hours) = 324

V3 Contact Hours: (85 days * 3.0 Hours) = 255 

2. Add the contact hours for all CTE Tier 1 Service IDs and CTE Codes (V1, V2 and V3) within the track.   

Example: 239 Contact Hours (V1 Total) + 324 Contact Hours (V2 Total) + 255 Contact Hours (V3 Total) = 818 Total Contact Hours

3. CTE FTE Tier 1 (track) = Divide total contact hours for each track by 6 hours times the number of days taught. 

CTE FTE = Total Track Contact Hours / (Number Days Taught * 6 hours).

Example: 818 Total Track Contact Hours/ (29 days taught for a six week period * 6 hours) = 4.7 .

  • (11b) Special education instructional settings FTE 
ARS.INSStudent Attendance Campus Summary ReportSpecial Education Instructional Setting
ARS.ELGDays Eligible
ARS.ECHExcess Contact Hours
ARP.TDAttendance Reporting PeriodsTotal Days
ARS.EI = 05 (Regular-SpecialEd)Attendance Event Indicator *
Sum of eligible days in Instructional Setting, minus excess hours, divided by (Total Days times 6)  
((ARS.INS and ARS.ELG) - ARS.ECH) / (ARP.TD * 6)

SAAH Requirement
Aeries Report table.columnSource/Calculation
Campus Summary - ###:
12. total number of students, by grade, who were served in a state-approved gifted/talented program, if applicableARS.GTGTE.PSD/GTE.PED
Gifted/TalentedStart Date/End Date
PGM.PSD/PGM.PEDSpecial Programs Start Date/End Date
PGM.CD = 127Program Code
ARS.EI = 01 (Regular) or 06 (Flexible-Regular)Attendance Event Indicator *
ARS.GT is the count of students in GT (GTE record) OR enrolled in GT program (PGM record) within reporting period
Final page:

NOTE: The titles and message can be configured on the report options page. Type alternate text and click Reset Text before printing the report.
13. signature page, signed by persons recording data and persons approving data (This page may be signed each six-week reporting period or each semester at local discretion. If your district uses a paperless attendance accounting system, the electronic equivalent of a signature page.)

The principal should compare reports from TEA, which reflect TSDS PEIMS data, to the locally-produced reports for reasonableness and accuracy.

Data Totals

  • Data totals for all track level Student Detail Reports must add up to respective totals on the Campus Summary Report.
  • Likewise, data totals for all Campus Summary Reports must add up to respective totals on the District Summary Report.