What factors are involved in how Rubric Assignments are Calculated 

The main conditions used for rubric assignment calculations are as follows:

  • Only Summative assignments are used in the calculation. 
  • The overall score calculates by standard, so linear regression is used to calculate the score for the assignments with the same standard.
  • Assignments that are at the same level will have their trended scores averaged (NOTE: the trended value is bound by the lowest score and highest score the student received, so the trended grade can never be below or above a grade the student already achieved).
  • If there is only one assignment tied to a standard, then that assignment’s score is used as is (no trending or averaging because there is nothing to trend or average with).
  • If there are only two assignments tied to a standard, then the last assignment’s score is used as the score for that standard (no trending is done to calculate the score for that standard).
  • If there are 3 or more assignments tied to a standard, then the scores are trended to find the overall score for that standard. Work from the bottom – up (i.e. from the lowest level most granular standard all the way up)