Titan School Solutions is an Aeries Partners in Education. They provide school lunch point of sale systems, meal applications, and more and they integrate with Aeries by utilizing the Aeries API to obtain student information. The parent portal also provides a link to Titan which provides Single-Sign-On (SSO) from the Aeries Parent Portal into Titan's system, eliminating the need for parents to create accounts on multiple systems to pay for meals or manage their account.

API Configuration

A new API certificate will need to be created on the API Security page in Aeries to grant Titan access to pull your district's data. 

1. Login to your Aeries Admin Website as an admin

2. Navigate to Security -> API Security

3. Select the “Add New Record” button

4. Enter the product name "Titan" and any comment you’d like.

5. Click 'Insert' to save the Certificate

6. Grant Read Permissions to the following areas;

Student Data

Class Schedules/History

Absence Code Table


Attendance History

Bell Schedule

Enrollment History

Student Pictures

7. Select the checkbox next to “Display Certificate Details” to view the API Certificate. This is sensitive information and should be treated as such. 

8. You’ll need the Certificate, along with your Aeries base URL* to configure the initial connection to Titan.

*The "base URL" is the entire web address of your Aeries system leading up to the "/Login.aspx".

In this example, the highlighted text is the "base URL." Your own base URL will be different.

For hosted customers, your base URL will be https://yourdistrictname.aeries.net/admin 

(replace "yourdistrictname" with your actual assigned URL address)

NOTE: Titan API Sync does not currently work for districts/schools utilizing Flex Scheduling.

An SFTP upload will need to be configured by our Data Integrations team.

Configuring Titan for SSO

To provide parents access to Titan via the parent portal, check the Enable Titan Parent/Student SSO checkbox in the 3rd Party System Connections page at the district level. You will also need to enter the API Key and Secret Key provided by Titan.

In addition, the Parents portal group will need Read permissions to Titan

Once enabled, parents will see a Titan icon in the navigation.


Once the parent clicks the icon, a new window will open and they will be automatically logged into Titan's system. From here, the parent can work with Titan system.

Configuring NSLP Import Process

TITAN provides SFTP access to a file that can be utilized with the NSLP import process built into Aeries:
NSLP Import Process Details