NOTE: File must be a .CSV file (caret delimited not comma) NO .DAT files
The LEA CAASPP Coordinator has access to the correct file for importing the CAASPP results.
After logging into the ETS (TOMS) site, select the Reports Options on the top right menu.
Select the CAASPP Student Score Data Extract Report from the list of available reports.
* The CAASPP Student Score Data Extract Report provides the LEA’s student score data for all students who tested during the current or prior year. The report contains student data, including demographic details and score results, for all students. The extract is downloaded into a .zip file with .csv and .dat format versions. It is available to download by administrative year.
- For the Organization choose your District
- Choose the correct Administration Year
- Select the Report Type (either by Enrolled LEA or by Tested LEA)
- Click Download Report
- A .zip file will be created which contain two files, a .CSV file and a .DAT file. The .CSV file (caret delimited, not comma) is the one that can be imported into Aeries.
NOTE: Do not download the student results from the Online Reporting System. These results are not in the correct file layout. The CAASPP Student Results (.csv file) must be downloaded from the TOMS login by the LEA CAASPP Coordinator.
NOTE: Different test administrations may be available for download throughout the year. The CAASPP Student Score Data Extract report will include the *record types noted below. Updated student score files in TOMS can be re-imported into Aeries. Re-importing the test scores will not produce duplicate records as long as the test id, test part, test date and student ID are the same. If the “re-scored” test records have the same test date then they will overwrite the existing testing records with the new scores. If the “re-scored” test records have a new test date, then the import process will create new testing records. It is always "best practice" to import an updated score file in a sandbox database first to see if it will cause any duplicate test records.
*Record Types include: 01 - SBAC ELA
03 - CAA ELA
06 - CAST
09 - CSA