Note: The steps described in this section can only be completed by an Aeries Administrator.

To configure the extract, first go to the OneRoster v1.1 Configuration page under School Info | Imports and Exports in the navigation tree.

SFTP Vendors

The OneRoster CSV extract can be sent to multiple third-party vendors. Each vendor must have a file server that supports file transfer using the SSH File Transfer Protocol (also known as Secure File Transfer Protocol or SFTP). Click the Add Vendor button to configure a vendor to receive the extract.

Enter the following information, then click Save:

Vendor NameThe name of the vendor
SFTP ServerSFTP Server name or IP address
SFTP DirectoryIf you want the files to upload to a folder other than the root, then put in the folder name that is already on the SFTP site.
SFTP PortPort number (default for SFTP is port 22)
UsernameUsername to connect to the SFTP server
PasswordPassword to connect to the SFTP server
Confirm PasswordConfirm Password

Extract Files

Select the files that should be included in the extract.

Scheduled Process

Configure the following values for the scheduled process:

Days to run SFTPDays of the week to run the scheduled extract
TimeTime of day to run the scheduled extract on the selected day(s)
Email AddressAddress to receive a confirmation email when the process completes. Multiple email addresses can be entered, separated by commas.
Scheduled Process ButtonDisable or Enable the scheduled extract process

Additional Options

There are additional options that can be configured to choose the Aeries field that will be used to populate certain fields in OneRoster.

Note: These additional options apply to the CSV extract and the API.

Choose the Aeries field that will be used to populate the sourcedId (i.e., unique id) for students and teachers. It is NOT recommended to change these values from the defaults (Student ID and Staff ID) without a very compelling reason. If you change this setting, a warning message will appear.
Choose the Aeries field that will be used to populate the username for OneRoster for students and teachers.
Create a custom identifier that will be used to populate the userIds for OneRoster for students and teachers. The identifier name can be any text such as "fed" or "ldap". Use the drop-down list to choose the Aeries field to be used as the identifier value.
Academic Session School Year
By default, the schoolYear element for an Academic Session is based on the School Calendar (DAY table). For instance, if the first day of the school's calendar is in 2017, then the schoolYear would be 2018 according to the OneRoster specification. For a summer school in the same database, with the first day of the school calendar in 2018, the schoolYear would be 2019. The Use Current Database Year option changes this behavior. If this option is checked, then the schoolYear will be the same for ALL schools in the database, based on the database academic year. For instance, for ALL schools in the DST17000 database, the schoolYear would be 2018 regardless of individual schools' calendars
Break Up Elementary Classes by Grade LevelIf a teacher teaches a combo class, section 100 with students in grades 1 and 2:
When the option is enabled, OneRoster will create two section records, 100_1 (grade 1) and 100_2 (grade 2).
When the option is disabled, the individual section is extracted as section 100_1 for both grades levels and there will be no distinction with grade levels taught within the same class.
This option will not affect classes that have students in the same grade level. Those sections will continue to extract as individual classes.

After completing the form, click Save to save the options. Next, click Run Now and Email to run the extract and to receive an email with the zip file attached instead of sending it to vendors. This is useful for testing the process. Once you are ready to upload the files to vendors, use the Run Now and Upload option.

Note: The zip file can be quite large depending on which CSV files are included (results.csv in particular tends to be very large if many teachers are using the Aeries Gradebook).  For this reason, the Email notification will contain a link to the results file rather than including the actual file as an email attachment. .

Note: Be sure to Save the settings before running the extract; otherwise, the extract will be run with the previously saved settings.

When you are ready to schedule the extract to run on a regular basis, click Enable Scheduled Process and then click Save again. Now the process will run on the schedule you have specified and automatically upload the zip file containing the CSV files to the vendor(s).

Extract Specification

Note: This section is intended both for Aeries Administrators and for vendors receiving the OneRoster CSV extract from Aeries.

Aeries currently supports most, but not all, of the files in the OneRoster 1.1 specification. Detailed information about the file specifications is available on the IMS Global website:

All files are created using the bulk processing method. The extract from Aeries does not currently support any delta processing.

The SFTP transfer will include a single zip archive named that contains the csv files indicated/identified in the Extract Files section.

File NameSupportedAeries Table
academicSessions.csvYesTerms (TRM)
categories.csvYesGradebook Assignment Types (GBT)
classes.csvYesMaster Schedule (MST) - secondary schools and Elem w/MST schools

Teachers (TCH) - elementary schools
courses.csvYesCourses (CRS)
demographics.csvYesStudent Data (STU)
enrollments.csvYesSchools with Master Schedule:
Student Class Schedules (SEC) - schools with Master Schedule
Course Attendance Record (CAR) - schools with Master Schedule

Schools without Master Schedule:
Student Data (STU)
Teachers (TCH)
Staff (STF)
lineItems.csvYesGradebook Assignments (GBA)
orgs.csvYesSchools (LOC)
results.csvYesGradebook Scores (GBS)
users.csvYesStudent Role:
Student Data (STU)
Portal Accounts (PWA)

Parent Role:
Contacts (CON)
Portal Accounts (PWA)

Teacher Role:
Teachers (TCH)
Staff (STF)
User Names (UGN)