Question: Why is the SSID Extract not updating the CSE.SWD field?


The SSID Extract is not updating the Students with Disabilities (SWD) field on the Special Education (CSE) page due to the following reasons:

  1. Field Addition and Purpose:
    • Per our Revision Notes dated 9/17/2020, the SWD (Students with Disabilities) field was added to the CSE (Special Education) table.
    • This field is Read-Only and is populated for new students with the SWD indicator set to ‘Y’ on the SSID Extract.
    • The purpose of this field is to ensure accurate tracking of new students who qualified for special education services in their prior district. It serves as a visual indicator for identifying new students who require special education services, allowing staff to promptly recognize and provide the necessary support.
  2. Previous Issue and Resolution:
    • Previously, a CSE record was inadvertently generated for new students who did not qualify for special education services but had an SWD indicator of ‘N’ in the CALPADS SSID Extract.
    • To avoid creating unnecessary CSE records for students who did not qualify, the logic that imported the 'N’ was disabled.
  3. Field Characteristics:
    • The SWD field is designed to remain as ‘Y’ to indicate that the student was identified as needing special education services when they first enrolled in the district.
    • This field is not intended to be updated from ‘Y’ to ‘N’ through the SSID Extract, as it serves as a visual representation of the student’s initial enrollment qualification status.
    • Since the field is Read-Only, it cannot be manually edited.

By maintaining the SWD field as Read-Only and ensuring it is only set to ‘Y’ for new students who qualify for special education services, Districts can accurately track and support these students without generating unnecessary records and to keep the historical information from the initial import.