The State Course Code Transition page is intended to help Districts map their current State Course Codes to a new CALPADS State Course code.  It is designed primarily to update NO LONGER USED codes to the new Codes, but may also be used to change Course Codes as needed.

The State Course Code Transition page is available at the District level under Scheduling Process > Configurations.  The Transition page will display all of the active courses that need mapping by Subject Area (CRS.S1) and their current State Course Codes, and a column to assign the New State Course Code.

Security:  Users must be Admin,  or have access to School 0 (not Read-only) and READ and UPDATE permissions to the CRS table to view and use the page. 

Districts have two options for using this page.

  • They may map any of their current State Course Codes to a CALPADS Course Code before New Year Rollover, and let the NYR process handle copying the new Codes from NC3 to C3 so they are ready to use in the new year.
  • They may map any of their current State Course Codes to the another CALPADS Course Code and Transition those codes from NC3 to C3 immediately.

By checking the 'Show All Courses' box, they may see all courses and their current State Course Code.  This may be useful in reviewing the Codes assigned, and changes may be made by selecting a new Code from the drop down list and using 'Transition Codes' to move the Code to C3.

The Course column will list all active courses that need mapping by Subject Area from CRS.S1.  Clicking on the triangle next to the Subject will expand the view of Courses.  

The Show All Courses checkbox will load ALL courses, Active and Inactive whether they need mapping or not.   The Expand All and Collapse All buttons will Expand or Collapse all Subject Areas.

The Filter at the top will search all columns for the filter criteria

The Department and Old State Course Code will show the current Course information from CRS.DC and CRS.C3.  The Course names are links that will open the Course information in a new tab.

The New State Course Code column has a drop-down that displays the Suggested new Course code along with all of the Other available new Codes.  

If there is no direct corresponding code, the most relevant ones will appear at the top of the list.

If there is no Suggested Code, the Course Code may have been permanently retired.

Selecting one of the new Codes will populate the CRS.NC3 field.  When the District performs the New Year Rollover, the codes in the NC3 field will automatically be copied to the CRS.C3 field for use in the new school year. 

However, Districts have the option to immediately copy the Codes from NC3 to C3 using the Transition Codes button.

You will be asked to Confirm the Transition

Note:  If a District chooses to Transition Codes before the Rollover, the courses affected will drop off the list as they will have one of the new Course Codes and do not need to be updated.  The original C3 code that was there before Transition is not recoverable.  If you wish to make a change to the New Code assigned you may check the Show All Courses button to display all the courses again or navigate to Scheduling Process > Courses > Other California Fields to change the Code assigned.