ENRL-2a - Enrollment of English Learner Students - All EL Students

ENRL-2b - Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in Programs

ENRL-3 - Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA

ENRL-4 - Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only

ENRL-1 - Overall Student Enrollment

Overall Enrollment - an unduplicated count of students enrolled on the Fall Reporting Date for each Race/Ethnicity.  It will also include counts for students that are Limited English Proficient, that have disabilities, and that are enrolled in a 504 program. 

CRDC - ENRL-1 - Overall Student Enrollment

  • Will only process students whose school (STU.SC) or Reporting Home School (STU.HS) is one of the schools selected on the CRDC Schools tab.
    Will only process students whose school (STU.SC) or Campus of Accountability (STU.HS) is one of the schools selected on the CRDC Schools tab.
  • Grade levels include Kindergarten – grade 12 and ungraded secondary. The Define Student Grade Levels is used to determine the grade levels.
    If the General Settings > Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Counted As option is set to Kindergarten, then the TK students will be included in the ENRL-1 through ENRL-4 table counts. If the option is set to count the TK students as Preschool, then the TK students will be included in the PSCH-1 table.
  • Will only include the students that are enrolled on the Fall Reporting Date.
  • Reporting School – only Primary Enrollment (ENR) records are used to determine if a student was enrolled on the Fall Reporting Date.
    The CALPADS Code Translations for Enrollment Status (STU.SP) are used to determine if the ENR.PR value is for a primary enrollment school or a concurrent enrollment school. Non-primary enrollment records are skipped. In some circumstances the student does have a primary enrollment record in one school, but the Reporting Home School is for a different school. In this case the CRDC Reporting School will be the Reporting Home School value. The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
    Non-primary enrollment records are skipped. In some circumstances the student does have a primary enrollment record in one school, but the Reporting Home School is for a different school. In this case the CRDC Reporting School will be the Reporting Home School value. The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
  • Ethnicity/Race - The Ethnicity (STU.ETH) and Race (STU.RC1 – STU.RC5) fields are used to determine the student ethnicity and race counts. Per Federal Guidelines, if a student’s Ethnicity is Hispanic they will only be counted in the Hispanic column.
    Also, race code 400 – Filipino is counted within the Asian category.
  • Students will be counted in the Two or More races category under these conditions:
    • Ethnicity = Not Hispanic and the student has 2 or more different races in STU.RC1 – STU.RC5
    • Ethnicity = Not Hispanic and the student has no races in any of the STU.RC1 – STU.RC5 fields
    • Ethnicity = Not Hispanic and the student has a Declined to State race code in STU.RC1 as defined in the CALPADS Other tab

  • English Learners – the student’s Limited English (STU.LF) value needs to match the table, field and code specified in the General Settings tab for LEP. If the student does not have an LEP code, or if the code is other than the one specified in the setup form, the program will check the student’s Redesignation date (LAC.RD1). If there is a date, and it is after the Fall reporting date, the student will be flagged as Limited English.
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 Only) – the program will check for a record in the 504 Plans (FOF) table and evaluate the Start (FOF.SD) and End (FOF.ED) dates against the Fall Reporting Date. If no dates are in the record or if no FOF record is found then it will look in the user-defined location, field and value (usually PGM.CD = 101). If the table specified is the Special Program (PGM) table it will check the Eligibility Start (PGM.ESD) and End (PGM.EED) dates. If there is no date in those fields, it will check the Participation Start (PGM.PSD) and End (PGM.PED) dates.  It will compare these dates against the Fall Reporting Date. The Fall Reporting Date must fall within these start and end dates to qualify as an active 504 record.
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA) – students included in this category will have a Special Education (CSE) record with a disability code (CSE.DI), have an Enter date (CSE.ED) on/before the Special Ed Reporting date and no Exit date (CSE.XD), or an Exit date on/after the Special Ed Reporting date.

NOTE: If a student has active records for both the 504 program and Special Ed (CSE), then the student will be counted under "Students with Disabilities". 

ENRL-2a - Enrollment of English Learner Students - All EL Students  

All EL Students – an unduplicated count of students flagged in the Language Fluency (STU.LF) field as Limited English.  The table includes breakdowns by race and ethnicity.

CRDC - ENRL-2a - Enrollment of English Learner Students - All EL Students

  • Grade levels include Kindergarten – grade 12 and ungraded secondary.
  • Will only include the students that are enrolled on the Fall Reporting Date.
  • Uses the students that are identified as English Learners in ENRL-1. The student’s Limited English (STU.LF) value needs to match the table, field and code specified in the General Settings tab for LEP. If the student does not have a STU.LF code, or if the code is other than the one specified in the setup form, the program will check the student’s Redesignation date (LAC.RD1). If there is a date, and it is after the Fall reporting date, the student will be flagged as Limited English.
  • See ENRL-1 for additional information on which records are included in the counts as well as demographic breakdowns.

ENRL-2b - Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in Programs  

Students Enrolled in LEP Programs – an unduplicated count of students flagged in the Language Fluency (STU.LF) field as Limited English and that have an active record in Language Assessment (LAC). These counts are a subset of the students reported in ENRL-2a.

CRDC - ENRL-2b - Enrollment of English Learner Students - EL Students in Programs

  • Grade levels include Kindergarten – grade 12 and ungraded secondary.
  • Will only include the students that are enrolled on the Fall Reporting Date.
  • Students need to be English Learners as defined in ENRL-1.
  • Students enrolled in LEP programs – uses the students that are identified as English Learners in ENRL-1. The Language Assessment Start (LAC.SD) and End (LAC.ED) dates are checked against  the Fall Reporting Date. If LAC.SD is on or before the Fall Reporting Date and LAC.ED is null or on/after the Fall Reporting Date, then the student is considered as enrolled in a LEP program. 
  • NOTE: If LAC.SR = 335, then the student will not be counted as enrolled in the LEP program. 
  • See ENRL-1 for additional information on which records are included in the counts as well as demographic breakdowns.

ENRL-3 - Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - IDEA  

Students with Disability served under IDEA – an unduplicated count of students that have an active disability code record in Special Ed (CSE). 

CRDC - ENRL-3a - Enrollment of Students with Disabilities

  • Grade levels include Kindergarten – grade 12 and ungraded secondary.
  • Will only include the students that are enrolled on the Fall Reporting Date.
  • Uses the students that are identified as Special Education in ENRL-1. Students included in this category will have a disability code (CSE.DI), have an enter date in CSE (CSE.ED) on/before the Special Ed Reporting date and no Exit date (CSE.XD), or an Exit date on/after the Special Ed Reporting date.
  • NOTE: If a student has active records for both the 504 program and Special Ed (CSE), then the student will be counted under "Students with Disabilities". 
  • See ENRL-1 for additional information on which records are included in the counts as well as demographic breakdowns.

ENRL-4 - Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only  

Students with Disability served under 504 - an unduplicated count of students that have an active record in either the 504 Plan (FOF) table or in the table, field and code specified on the General Settings tab for 504.


CRDC - ENRL-3b - Enrollment of Students with Disabilities - Section 504 Only

  • Grade levels include Kindergarten – grade 12 and ungraded secondary.
  • Will only include the students that are enrolled on the Fall Reporting Date.
  • Uses the students that are identified as Students with Disabilities – 504 Only in ENRL-1. The program will check for a record in the 504 (FOF) table and evaluate the Start (FOF.SD) and End (FOF.ED) dates against the Fall Reporting Date. If no dates are in the record of if no FOF record is found then it will look in the user-defined location, field and value (usually PGM.CD = 101). If the table specified is the PGM table it will check the Eligibility Start (PGM.ESD) and End (PGM.EED) dates. If there is no date in those fields, it will check the Participation Start (PGM.PSD) and End (PGM.PED) dates.  It will compare these dates against the Fall Reporting Date. The Fall Reporting Date must fall within these start and end dates to qualify as an active 504 record.
  • NOTE: If a student has active records for both the 504 program and Special Ed (CSE), then the student will be counted under "Students with Disabilities".
  • See ENRL-1 for additional information on which records are included in the counts as well as demographic breakdowns.