Aeries includes a basic format for Student ID Cards, which can be printed as a report. Aeries supports ID cards in Avery 5371 or compatible business card format (3.5x2" 10 per page) printed on regular printers, or ID card printers CR80 format (3.375x2.125") which print 1 per page.

To print ID cards, navigate to the Student ID Cards report options page in the reports navigation. The following page with options will display. This page honors keep/skip queries to limit the students being processed.

PDF is the recommended report format. This report is not available at the district level. Note: For self-hosted customers, the appropriate barcode font must be installed on the server in order to generate printed barcodes.

If the Print Multiple/Page option is selected, it will produce the business card format.

If Single/Page option is selected, it will produce a single ID card per page suitable for ID card printers.