As students are added to a gradebook, a Sort number is given

When they are in alphabetical order, they are not necessarily in numeric order.  Clicking the “Sort” column heading will place them in order of that column.  This places the students entering later in the year at the bottom.

Clicking the Student column heading will place the students in alphabetical order again.

If the teacher would like to number the students for a classroom purpose.  In the example below students will be placed in working in groups.  Click in the Sort box and set each student to the preferred sort number.

Click the Save button when work is complete.

The students now display the group numbers.

This sort may be used in the Scores by Class page by selecting the "Sorting by" option - by default this is set by Student Name and the sort order is hidden.

Select the Custom Student Sort option,  then click the Sort button to sort by a custom sort order and show the accompanying sort numbers.  

The option will be saved for this gradebook until it is changed.

In the Scores by Assignment page, the custom sort may also be used.  Click the chevron below the assignment information.

Select the option to Sort Students by Custom Sort Field.

The students will show in the Custom Sort order.  The option will be saved for this gradebook until it is changed.