NOTE:  Physical Fitness Test raw scores will not be submitted to the Testing Vendor for the 2023-24 administration. CDE only requires participation rate information reported on the SARC for 2023-24. It may be helpful, however, to review the information on this page to ensure quality raw score data in Aeries for LEA's in-house purposes.

Prior to updating data into the Physical Fitness program in Aeries please review the PFT Reference Guide available on the California Physical Fitness Test (PFT) website.  The Testing Vendor defines the Acceptable Values for each test in this document. These are the ONLY values that should be entered into the Physical Fitness Test Results form in Aeries®.

There is some confusion with acceptable values and blank scores. A blank indicates the student DID NOT TAKE the test.

In Aeries the default for the majority of the fields is zero due to the fields being numeric.  If a Testing area displays Not Taken and contains a zero in the field this indicates the student DID NOT take this test and will flag the extract program to place a BLANK in the file for this test. This indicates to the Testing Vendor that the student did not take that part of the test.

Beginning with the Spring 2014 test administration of the Physical Fitness Test, the Not Tested and Incomplete Test reasons are no longer required by the state and have been removed from the file layout. Districts can choose to use these fields for their own in-house reporting needs.

The Physical Fitness Test Error Report will list any value other than what the State allows in the Acceptable Values column of the Physical Fitness Test Student Data File Layout. These errors must be corrected before creating the file to be uploaded to the Testing Vendor**. Fixing the errors within Aeries will minimize validation errors and maintenance when the data is uploaded to the Testing Vendor’s software.

Also in prior years Districts have requested that we do not stop them from entering values that are higher than what the State says is valid.  For example, if a student completes 80 Push Ups they want to enter this value into Aeries, so we have altered the program to allow higher values to be entered than what the State accepts. In the Error Report example below, the Field Value column contains the number of push-ups that the student completed.

We show the Valid Values range according to the State and we also show the Value Loaded. The Value Loaded is the value that will be loaded into the file which in this case is the maximum value allowed according to the State's Acceptable Value. Since we are going to only load the maximum value we consider this a Warning that we also print. These values do not have to be corrected in Aeries for the data to be accepted by the Testing Vendor, but are reported as a Warning for informational purposes.

** Physical Fitness Test raw scores will not be uploaded to the Testing Vendor for the 2023-24 administration